The Reverend
William Knutson

The Reverend Canon
Anthony Guillen, Adjunct Clergy

Who We Are

We are a liturgical church, which means we have similar “rites” every Sunday. These include readings from scripture and the Gospel and sharing the bread and wine of Holy Communion. Music and singing are also an integral part of our weekly service.
We enjoy getting together as a parish— to worship, share ideas, and celebrate the gifts God has bestowed upon us.
St. Andrew’s is a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles and a member of the worldwide Anglican Community and is in full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)

What We Believe

We are a community of individuals, each figuring out our spiritual journey in unique, personal ways. Above all, we strive to live by the loving example of Jesus Christ – all are welcome and none excluded.

Whether you’re a seeker, a doubter, a dedicated Christian or one who has given up on organized religion, the people of St. Andrew’s invite you to find yourself here.


Community Assistance Program

C.A.P. is an outreach program operated by HELP of Ojai to provide short term assistance to homeless people in our community. St. Andrew’s parishioners provide food each week from our community garden and donate canned goods to support this important mission.

During the Christmas holidays, parishioners “adopt” needy local families by providing the makings for a holiday meal and gifts for the children.  For further information about C.A.P. and HELP of Ojai, please visit

Community Garden

Thanks to the vision and dedication of the Earth Stewards, St. Andrew’s Community Garden is thriving. Vegetables grown from carefully tended beds are donated to C.A.P. (Community Assistance Program) so those less fortunate than ourselves may enjoy fresh, organic produce.

Ojai Valley Family Shelter

Shelter season runs from December 1 to March 31 every year in Ojai. Each night of the season an Ojai church provides dinner, overnight lodging and breakfast to families in need.

Every Wednesday St. Andrew’s parishioners provide a delicious dinner, a warm place to sleep, movies and breakfast. Showers, fresh clothes and a sack lunch are also available to our guests. We also make our Fellowship hall available on Mondays for Ojai Buddhists to provide food and shelter.

Twelve Step Meetings

12-Step Meetings: 

Monday 9am Women’s AA (Fisher Hall)

Tuesday 5:30pm Debtors Anon – “Clarity & Prosperity”

Tuesday 7:30pm AA “As Bill Sees It” (Fisher Hall)

Wednesday 7pm Al-Anon (Fisher Hall)

Thursday 5:30pm “Women’s Step-Study Group” (Fisher Hall) 

Friday 7:30pm AA “Friday’s Participation Meeting” (Fisher Hall)

Saturday 6pm “Ojai Into Action” AA Mtg (Fisher Hall)

Laundry Love

Laundry Love is held on the third Tuesday of each month at Launderland (behind Sea Fresh) from 4 pm to 7:30 pm.

Families bring their laundry and we bring the quarters for the machines. We also provide soap, dryer sheets, snacks and conversation.

Services and Events

Regular In-person Worship Schedule:

Sunday Services:

  8am Rite I Traditional (Spoken) Holy Eucharist
10am Rite II Holy Eucharist (Contemporary) with Taizé & music followed by coffee and fellowship.

Lenten Teaching Series: Beginning Wednesday, March 12 and continuing each Wednesday through April 9 , Father Bill will be leading a series on The Nicene Creed. We will explore,  through presentation and discussion, what it means to faithfully and mindfully engage with this foundational text. A simple soup supper will be served beginning at 5 PM in the Fellowship Hall. 

A Celebration of the Life of Katie Zack will be held Saturday, March 29, at 11am. A reception follows in Fisher Hall. 

Holy Week Schedule:

Palm Sunday, April 13, 9:30am combined Eucharist with the Passion Gospel of Luke read in parts. 

Maundy Thursday & Foot Washing Ceremony, April 17, at 7pm.

Good Friday, April 18, at 12noon with the reading of the Passion Gospel According to John read in parts.  

Easter Sunday, April 20. 8am, Rite I, a traditional spoken Eucharist; 10am, Rite II, contemporary Eucharist with music and Taize.

Holy Communion: By tradition, The Episcopal Church offers Holy Communion to all baptized persons. If you are not baptized, but wish to receive, we invite you to participate fully in the opening part of the service, called the Ministry of the Word, hearing God’s word and reflecting on your life, enabling you to come to the table for communion, if you so choose, with a heart prepared to receive. We hope that if you feel touched by the word and sacrament and wish to learn more about the life-giving power of the Spirit of the Risen Christ, you will contact Fr. Bill Knutson to inquire about participating in Holy Baptism.

Join With Us

409 Topa Topa Drive, Ojai CA 93023

(805) 646-1885

Rev. William Knutson, Priest-in-Charge: 



Our campus includes a fellowship hall, classrooms and a sanctuary. These warm and inviting facilities are available for retreats, meetings, seminars and concerts. 
For information call (805) 646-1885.
Or email:

Weekly Events


9am “Daily Reflections” Women’s AA (Fisher Hall)


7:30pm “As Bill Sees It” AA (Fisher Hall)


7pm Alanon (Fisher Hall)


5:30pm Women’s AA “Serenity” Group (Fisher Hall)


7:30pm Friday’s Participation Meeting AA (Fisher Hall)


6pm “Ojai into Action” AA (Fisher Hall)


4pm Big Book Notes & Highlights (Fisher Hall)

Contact Us

The Rev. William Knutson, Priest-in-Charge

The Rev. Canon Anthony Guillén
Adjunct Clergy; Directory of Ethnic Ministry

Laura Joyce, Office Manager (805) 646-1885

St. Andrew’s Church Ojai
409 Topa Topa Drive
Ojai, CA 93023-3233
(805) 646 -1885